At T.F.A. we offer private Numerology sessions and Reiki sessions, in addition to regular Reiki share nights. Our teacher, Larry Turnley, is a Reiki Master and dedicated practitioner to the art of Reiki. Larry's approach is one of simplicity. Everyone’s journey and experience is different, he acknowledges and maintains a very approachable and down to earth consultation.
What is Reiki?
Reiki aims to improve health and enhance quality of life. It can assist with:
Reduction of pain
Reduction of stress
Releasing emotional pain, restoration of the mind, body and spirit. Assists with cultivating peace and calm.
Reiki treats the whole person, including the body, the emotions, the mind and the spirit, It creates feelings of peace, security and well-being..Reiki is not a religion and anyone is welcome to try it.
What should I expect in my Reiki session?
Reiki is a liberating spiritual practice that will aid in reconnecting to your true self and enable you to see the direction you should be heading with new eyes and clarity. You could see — maybe for the first time — the things you need to move forward in life. Connect to the Universal energy, giving you the power to heal yourself when and where you need it.
Address problems and illnesses by healing the underlying imbalances that’s causing the disease. The act of healing yourself is so universal in its effect that it could help prevent dysfunctions within the body — in all areas, not just the ones you’re specifically treating at the time.
Open up your Chakras and attune your powers of intuition and allowing you to improve your self-confidence and make better decisions.
Reiki helps to calm you and empower you with the inner peace to handle life's curve balls.
Did you know that there is a powerful, unseen life force within you, that flows through your physical body via junctions (chakras), nourishing your cells and organs along the way, all the while maintaining your overall health, vitality, and wellness?
And that, when this life force gets disturbed, weakened, or blocked, the affected tissues and organs within your body can restrict their function, adversely affecting your health at best, causing major disease at worst ?
It’s true. And theres is a highly powerful way of harnessing this life force energy, maximising your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It’s called Reiki.
Private consultations
1 Hour Numerology reading - $120
1 Hour Reiki healing - $100 first visit, follow up visits $90.
3 Reiki treatments $250 (can be purchased via our online shop page). First session will include a numerology reading.
6 Reiki treatments $420 (can be purchased via our online shop page). First session will include a numerology reading.
Reiki Level 1 courses are run throughout the year. Please email us with your interest or for future dates.
Reiki Level 2 courses are run throughout the year. Please email us with your interest or for future dates.
More about Larry.
Larry's first discovery into self acceptance and self love came from pursuing his interest in Numerology, over 30 years ago. He studied with the late Judy McShanag in Melbourne in 1987 and has been reading for individuals ever since, with a continued passion for perfecting his understanding and intrigue with how Numerology impacts our lives.
Larry’s Reiki teachings began over 25 years ago and he has been running reiki Level 1 and Reiki level 2 Courses since 2013.
Learning how to look at himself has been his biggest challenge and, by taking ownership in his own life, he now teaches in a unique way with humour and optimism. Offering workshops, private consultations and analysis in Numerology and Reiki, come and meet Larry.